Felicity Fenton
User Not Found
$ 6.00

User Not Found is a pocket-sized chapbook on social media and life in the digital age. In a single, long-form lyric essay, Felicity explores our collective addiction from a variety of angles. It's a many-layered joyride of a think-piece. Highly recommended.

"Prompted by a sequence of discouraging internet encounters, Felicity Fenton attempts to free herself from the tendrils of an online world we know, but struggle to look away from. She evaluates the endless distractions of being tethered to her device and all that comes with it: email, spam, texting, taking pictures, and social media (aka 'the walls'). In lyrical prose that swerves into dream-like mirage, hilarious thoughts, social observations, and unwavering sadness, User Not Found is a powerful essay that is all too relatable."

Part of the Scout Book series through Future Tense Books. Second edition. 32 pages, cut quarter-size. ISBN 9781892061850.

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