Stores That Carry Antiquated Future Goods
Atomic Books (Baltimore, MD)- Long-running store of oddities and delights.
Books With Pictures Eugene (Eugene, OR)- Excellent indie comic book shop.
Chevalier's Books (Los Angeles, CA)- LA's oldest indie bookstore.
Downtown Books & News (Asheville, NC)- Books, periodicals, and zines in downtown Asheville.
Elliott Bay Book Company (Seattle, WA)- A Seattle institution.
Flutter (Portland, OR)- A favorite Portland shop of assorted goodness.
Good Atlas (North Bay, Ontario)- Sweet new artsy gift shop.
Grover's Curiosity Shop (Portland, OR)- Our Portland home base! Owned by zine favorite, Martha Grover, and run by a small collective of us.
I've Read It In Books (Charlotte, NC)- A Charlotte bookstore full of great people (and books).
Mississippi Records (Portland, OR)- Our very favorite record store.
My Vinyl Underground (Portland, OR)- A gem of a record shop.
Page 1 Books (Albuquerque, NM)- An ABQ institution for forty years.
Partners and Son (Philadelphia, PA)- Indie comics and art plus art gallery.
Pegasus Bookstore (Berkeley, CA)- A great Berkeley bookstore.
People's Book (Takoma Park, MD)- A brand new shop in "the Portland of the DC suburbs."
Powell's City of Books (Portland, OR)- Mega-bookstore with an excellent small press section curated by Kevin Sampsell.
Powell's Books on Hawthorne (Portland, OR)- The smaller, across-town version of the world's largest independent bookstore.
Quimby's Books (Chicago, IL)- The promised land of zines.
Quimby's Books NYC (Brooklyn, NY)- The promised land's second location.
Small Friend Records & Books (Richmond, VA)- A real gem.
Small World Books (Venice, CA)- Indie bookstore on the Venice boardwalk.
Specialist Subject Records (Bristol, UK)- Record store (with a zine section) and label in Bristol.
Tangent Distro (Pittsburgh, PA)- Zine rack inside Clothes Minded.
Verbatim Books (San Diego, CA)- Sweet eclectic bookstore with a big zine corner.
Waltz (Tokyo, JP)- Cassette-focused store in Tokyo. Tape heaven.
Willimantic Records (Willimantic, CT)- A used record and book shop in a handsome brick building.
Wonder Fair Gallery (Lawrence, KS)- Art gallery, event space, and DIY goods shop.

Zine Distros                                                                     
Behind the Zines Distro- The new distro from everyone's favorite zine about zines.
Bottles on the Sill- Long-running zine distro that focuses on lesser-known zines.
Brown Recluse Zine Distro- Rad distro representing and supporting people of color.
Crapandemic- The world's only all-goth zine distro.
Death Ray Distro- An all-photography, UK-based distro of zines, self-published magazines, books, and prints.
Look Mum! Distro- Personal and sex-positive zine distro out of Ontario, Canada.
Mend My Dress Press- Anthologized zine collections and more.
Microcosm- Massive zine and book distro/publisher, based here in Portland, Oregon.
Neither/Nor Zine Distro- Rad Kansas City distro with a great, varied selection.
Nonmachinable- Cool new distro for art/visually appealing zines.
Partizanka Press- A distro and micropress of zines and artist's books out of Ontario, Canada.
Pen Fight Distro- UK-based feminist and queer-focused zine distro and brick-and-mortar shop.
Policymaker- Zines and books from Cape Cod and beyond.
Radiator Comics- Distro of independent comix.
Rooster Cow- Zines, comics, music, fun sidelines.
Sea Green Zines- Australian distro of long-running zine passion.
Sheer Spite- new Montreal-based distro and press with a focus on personal, queer, and historical writing.
Silver Sprocket- Comics publisher and distro out of San Francisco. Comix, zines, music, shirts, patches, buttons.
Small Zine Volcano- Distro of free zines.
Spiral House- Zines, buttons, witch books and supplies.
Spit and a Half- Comix and zine distro ran by King-Cat Comix's John Porcellino. Founded in 1992!
Stay Kind- Massachusetts-based distro of zines, buttons, stickers, and more. Donates a portion of all their sales.
Sticky Institute- Long-running Australian volunteer-run store, distro, and resource spot.
Vampire Hag Distro- U.K. distro of zines, buttons, and patches.
Wasted Ink Zine Distro- A Phoenix-based distro and brick-and-mortar shop that specializes in local and international zines.
The Word Distribution- A zines and more distro that focuses on light and fun zines.
Zine Gang Distro- Australian distro of zines, comics, stickers, and more.
Zine-O-Matic- Monthly zine subscription service.

Record Labels

Antiquated Future Records- Our label! Slightly skewed pop, folk, soundscapes, and lo-fi music.
Fkdp Records- Portland label of broken breakcore, melting ambiance, and ravestep.
K Records-The legendary, long-running Olympia independent. Dear friends who put out great things.
Lost Sound Tapes- Seattle tape label of indie pop all-stars and sweethearts.
People in a Position to Know- Limited-edition and interestingly-shaped and sized vinyl.

Small Presses
Eberhardt Press- Our go-to press! Blank books, radical pamphlets, and available for all your printing needs.
Future Tense Publishing- Long-running Portland publisher. Always on the cutting-edge of literary awesomeness.
Perfect Day Publishing- Doing wonderful work out of Portland, Oregon.
Two Plum Press- Gorgeous limited-edition poetry and experimental prose books.

Sites & Organizations
Broken Pencil- Long-running magazine about zine culture and independent arts.
Constant Collective- Collaborators from afar, plus zine residencies, zine library, and arts events in Philadelphia.
Do DIY- Great resource for DIY spaces around the world.
Elbow Room- Portland arts organization providing material support, mentorship & studio space for artists experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Independent Publishing Resource Center- Long-running Portland arts non-profit & community space.
Olympia Zine Fest- An ever-awesome zine fest out of Olympia, Washington.
Portland Zine Symposium- Portland's long-running and always excellent symposium.
Selkie School- Witch, art, film, and seasonal classes, events, zines, and newsletters. Organized by AF's own Novie Nimble.
Small Howl- The ever-wonderful flier art of Katie Savastano (the artist behind the Antiquated Future header lettering).
Stolen Sharpie Revolution- Great resource for zines and zine culture. Supplement to the book of the same name.
Syndicated Zine Reviews- Zine-review archive.
Tape Witch- Our in-house photographer selling fun vintage lots of cassette tapes, VHS, and occasional books, comics, and more.
Zine Nation- Archive of zine reviews, interviews, and more.