A great anthology of essays about books and the people who sell them from the folks who run Human Relations Books in Brooklyn.
From the introduction: "When we started this partnership, they said it couldn't be done. All our bookstore mentors warned, 'People change. You're going to fight. You're going to hate each other. It will all end in flames. Trust us, human relations are difficult.' Ten years later we're still here...The reason we're still here despite our sub-par human relations is the books themselves. The popular narrative of the endangered independent bookstore has largely been propagated by people who devote more love to social media than they do to the lit they put on their shelves. At HR there are no bells and whistles. No cat, no typewriter, no inspirational quotes about failing better adorn our walls. We've always been about the books, and to mark our ten-year anniversary we decided to make a publication that celebrates them."
90 pages, pocket-sized paperback. Cover art by Josh MacPhee of the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative.